The Jewel of the Solar System – Saturn

How much do you know about Saturn? Are you interested in the universe? Learn more with Stars Memories!

Why Saturn Is the Best Planet - The Atlantic

Most of us recognize Saturn from its rings. These rings are made of most of the water (ice), but also, dust and rock. Saturn is not the only planet in the Solar System, which was rings, but it’s the only planet with rings that can be seen from Earth using a telescope!

What are Saturn's rings made of? | Live Science

Did you know why it is called Saturn? The planet was named after the Roman God of agriculture and wealth – Saturn. Fun fact, the weekday “Saturday” was also named after the Roman God Saturn!

Besides that, Saturn is the second-largest planet in the Solar System (the largest planet is Jupiter). It’s crazy because you can’t stand on Saturn like we can on Earth. It is because Saturn is made of gases, most of the helium.

What Makes Saturn's Atmosphere so Hot | Lab Manager

Saturn spins around the sun very slowly and because of that, one year in Saturn is more than 29 years on Earth!

Saturn is one of the brightest planets in the Solar System and you can see this planet with naked eyes! If you’ll be searching for planets, remember that stars twinkle and planets don’t!
